Friday, August 17, 2012

Hike It Out

I wanted to share some of the stories and pics from a few of my hikes that I went on this year around Kodiak. A lot of the hikes were repeats from last year but some were with new people and at a different time of the year so that gave me the opportunity to see familiar places in a new light. One of the first hikes I accomplished was with Laura, Sis Helen, & Rory up Pyramid (one of my fav's). A bonus was running into Shelly on the way down!

(This is the exact same pic I took with Heather when she came & visited me last year. Naturally I took this pic in her honor =)

With Laura & Helen

One Sunday I went on a Termination Point outing with Liz & Shelly which was great to have us all hang out again! I had missed Sunday Fundays with Shelly. It was nice to have a leisure hike plus get the chance to soak in your awesome company. Plus it was a nice sunny day which makes it a double plus!

The sassy Liz striking a pose 

 This was a photo op that wasn't necessarily for the look of the picture but I took it because I wanted to remind myself in the future of the wonderful feeling I had at this moment with these two ladies because I didn't want to ever forget.

The next hike entailed being called by my two friends, Patty Cakes and Mike, at 9 p.m. and telling me to hike the beastly Barometer with them. At first I refused but once Patty Cakes nicely told me to "suck it up and not be a pussy" I decided I couldn't be called such a name. I'm thoroughly glad I did it though. I kicked their butts up there and it was such an amazing view, but most of all it was great to hang out with those guys again! We had a lot of fun, especially for the surplus of laughing at Mike every time he fell down on our descent.

Patty Cakes & Michelle... enough said.

The view of Kodiak from the top of Barometer at about 11 p.m .

Well there are some of my top hikes this year. I hope to catch a few more in the next couple months since Salmon Camp in now complete. This season has been quick but a good one. It's nice to have a little breath time now though. I'll be sure to update you on my other adventures soon!

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