Monday, January 16, 2012

Yes... I'm back

About a week & a half ago I returned back to the one and only Kodiak, AK. After a 16 hr trip of flying up here I landed safely at the tiny airport here feeling dazed, tired, and confused but was so happy to be greeted by Shelly & Lisa, who wonderfully had a pizza waiting for me at the inn nearby. They're so great! There was snow on the ground & the temperature was cold- something I haven't truly experienced in awhile.

My last day in Oklahoma was about 60 degrees with the sun shining and a slight cool breeze- what a great day to remember her by! Yeah, I just decided that I'm making Oklahoma a girl. Anyways the past three months there have been absolutely wonderful. I mean at first it was a little overwhelming being back with culture shock and all the shopping stores. But eventually I grew back to my old ways and embraced the little city girl within myself. Most of all I adored all the great time I was able to spend with my family & friends. Here's a few pics of the highlights:

 Eischen's with OCR is always a must!

 Taler & I pretty much live for Christmas!

 Jen took me to a Thunder game & we had a blast! So glad the NBA is playing this year!

 With my sisters & nephew- I always enjoy my time and holiday traditions with them. (Sorry I didn't have any copies of pics with my mom so pretend she's in here)

Then the best cousins in the whole wide world, Andrew & Alyx (plus Michael & Zina)

So I'm back here with the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge in the Visitor Center. I'll be working the front desk plus doing some environmental education stuff and other random duties. I'm so glad to be back- I love this beautiful place! In some ways it feels as if I've never left but then again I can tell it is so different being here. First off I live by myself which can make things quiet and boring- which never happened living in the bunkhouse this last summer. I'm afraid I'm going to start talking to myself more than I already do! Plus it is so weird without Liz being here, I keep randomly texting her to make up for her huge absence I can feel. Secondly a real winter is something I'm having to get used to. I grew up with more snow and colder temps in Montana so at least I have background in this type of weather. Plus there's lots of ice around too so there is even a bit of Oklahoma with it! But after my second night here this is what I woke up to-

 That's my vehicle if you can't see it- we got about a foot of snow. That would have closed down Oklahoma!
Here's where I'm living at

But so far I have been thoroughly enjoying my time here and catching up with friends here. It's been great seeing everybody at church here again- they are all so wonderful. Plus the people from the refuge! Well I'm gonna wrap it up here. I hope you enjoy having the blog back! I'll finish by sharing a few other pics I've taken here so far.

 The one and only Shelly on our stroll at Fort Abercrombie

 All bundled up!

 The amazing note I found waiting for me that Liz left!

Out on a frozen lake

The ocean with the moon =)

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